Friday, 21 October 2011

07 Ghost Chapter 76

Alright! I was so happy when this chapter came out. You have no idea how long I've waited for this, especially with all the rumours like Katsuragi is one of the seven ghost and stuff...

Well... Let me clear it for you guys. This chapter does not reveal who is the last two of the seven ghost.

Before that, here's the chinese link to the chinese chapter Kapitel 76
I download the manga (chinese)   here

Warning! I won't be translating this, I will leave the job to miss-ink-wings Just giving some tips here and there, or a summary.

Now, let's begin.

Teito was crying and he said it was his first time crying this much and how painful it is. Shuri was then caught by Mikage's father. It turns out that Shuri and Mikage have been friends ever since they were small.

Shuri also said that he couldn't stand how close Teito and Mikage's relationship is. He had tried different tactics to bully them, but Mikage would always have a smile on his face. And that he was always angry. Even so, he was a bit sad that Mikage has passed away (Aww...)

Fraud's scene: Castor and Labrador came. It turns out that Fraud was wearing one of Labrador's invention to prevent from Ayanami's previous attack. It work well but Ayanami's power was still tremendous as the nucleus?? (核 google's result. It's the ball with Zehel's symbol)  is reveal. And then they talk about how it Fraud see Teito as family and how it resembles him when he was young. (It's so cute~~ and touching!)

Lance got curious about the other two ghost as there were no news from them. We get a glimpse of their past saying they were going to infiltrate the military and keep an eye on Ayanami.

After he got back to reality, someone came and say there is a traitor among the seven ghost. It turns out this person is Ea. His job is record the soul number in this world and assigned souls for whether they will be going to heaven or hell.

And here's the interesting part, Lance said that his appearance is different than before. Mhmmmm... Ea then asked Lance to go look into Ea's past to find the answer.

The End

I guess the next chapter will be about the past. I can't wait anymore.

Thank you for reading and correct me if I've done anything wrong.

Love~ the way Fraud describe Ayanami as snake and poor Teito as the cute little frog ^_^
Black Hwaks!!!


  1. yaay, thanks for the summary^^ I usually don't read raw scans which I don't understand but since your chapter summary was here I couldn't say no to the spoilers <3
    Looks like a fairly interseting chap (and Frau's back, hurray!! :D), I can't wait to read miss-ink-wings's scanlation.^^

  2. Thank you for the summary! It is a bleasing for the many of us fans that don't know Chinese or Japanese.

    I already kinda figured out that the zehel 'power ball' had appeared thanks to Ayanami, but I didn't knew that it was Labrador that had saved Frau with his invention. I guess that it makes sense, cause Ayanami wasn't quiet about the whole issue (I WANT TO SEE HIM WITHOU THE HAT… WHY DOESN’T HE TAKE OUT THE HAT?! DAMN HAT… T.T).

    Ea a traitor… NOOOO… I liked him…. But I like the other ghost Landkarte better. He’s so cute, and the hair thing like Haruken has me taken with him. Could it be that it was because of Ea that Ayanami recovered his memories as Verloren? Ea could have done something to Ouka or to Ayanami himself. But it’s still early to know the true... I want to read this manga so much it hurts every time I go to the com and don't see the chapter. (But I’m not mad at the scanlation team or anything, because I know that sometimes real life must have our attention).
    Since these last two chapters are only available in raws (and I can't even find 77 in Chinese sites yet) it’s confusing to know what to expect. I certainly wasn’t expecting a ghost traitor, even if it was approached in the manga, since I like them so much. And I'm betting sensei still have a few tricks and twist up her sleeve. The twist that will have us drooling over the manga haven't come out yet (except the Ayanami kidnapping Teito, erasing his memories, and making him his begleiter – for me that is one of the BEST parts of the manga – mainly because I’m and AyanamixTeito fangirl)

    Bye bye for now, and thank you again for the brief summary. (I'm sorry for the Gigantic review, its more than an usual, I'm afraid. I end up always making big reviews)
    Kiss Kiss
    Ja ne
